Main features
WEB application able to predict the Energy performance of the units (chillers and heat pumps) and to conduct a comprehensive energy analysis.
Energy performance of whatever unit in a specifi c operating condition ("ONE SHOT" mode):
- Gross and net EER (chillers).
- TER (chillers with heat recovery).
- Gross and net COP (heat pumps, with estimation of defrost for air-towater units).
Evaluation of standard indexes:
Energy analysis (one year-based estimation):
- Single machine.
- Multiple confi guration of a single model, with parallel or sequential mode of insertion.
- Comparison of different models on the same application.
- Complex layout, with machines of different models and size, with sequencing rules in accordance to SEQ functions.
to find out SPECTRUM features and how to use them in a special video tutorial
Main components
For planners:
- Aid in the choice of machines and their conduction.
- Analysis of return on investment.
- Easy integration of results into project documentation.
For Energy Managers:
- Tool to verify predicted performances.
• Integration with BMS/SEQ to optimize operational logic.